Tantra is not any ritual or process to be afraid of,Rather it is a system of trying Mantra Sadhanas in a proper way.And Tantra is not just popular and important in the Vedic system of Sadhanas.It is just as significant in Buddhism and Jainism
If we study the Jain scriptures we shall find that the scholars have not just stressed on mental peace and purity of the soul but also on Tantra sadhanas.
The Sadhana of Goddess Padmavati is basically a Jain sadhana and it has been mentioned in several scriptures.Even the Vedic text Mantra Maharnnav contains its description but it is most vividly explained in the Jain system of Sadhanas.In the night of Diwali every Jain Sadhak performs sadhana of Goddess Padmavati.In fact it would not be wrong to state that the Jain society is so prosperous and wealthy because of the amazing effect of this very sadhana.
The Jain Munis and scholars have said that Padmavati Sadhana is a wonderful sadhana which very householder should try.And no matter to which sect ,religion or caste one belongs one is equally eligible to gain from this sadhana.The knowledge of sadhanas is not limited to only one sect.Rather any person of any class or creed can benefit from it provided he does so with a pure heart and full devotion.
This Sadhana is primarily for gaining wealth.But presented here is a Padmavati sadhana that can be tried by the jobless in order to get a good job.Even those who wish for gains from the state side can try this sadhana with amazing and quick results.In fact so powerful and unfailing is this ritual that no sadhak who has tried it has ever failed to get the desired benefit.
In the night of Amavasya or a moonless night the sadhak should have a bath and wear white clothes.Then he should sit on a white mat facing the East or the North.Before himself he should place a wooden seat covered with white cloth.
On it he should write the following mantra with vermillion.On this inscription then he should place a Padmavati Yantra and offer rice grains,white flowers and vermillion on it.Then he should light a ghee lamp and thereafter with a sfatik rosary (rock crystal rosary) he should chant 9 rounds of the following Mantra.
The Sadhak should do this daily for twelve days at the same time starting from the night of Amavasya.In the morning of the thirteenth day he should go and drop the Yantra and rosary in a river or pond.
Within these twelve days or a month at the most he would get to hear some good news about some job or chance to start some business of his own.